Sunday, February 17, 2008

1-888-Not-Milk - the Health Risks of Milk

Milk Sugar is Indigestible

The enzyme required to digest milk sugar, lactose, is called lactase. It dis-appears from the human intestine at the age of three! That's right. After 3, milk is virtually indigestible. And what happens? When milk comes into contact with the acidic gastric juice after it is swallowed, it immediately forms thick, hard to digest curds that coat the stomach and intestines and hampers digestion. Estimates say that 50-50% of the world's adult population is lactose intolerant.

Milk Protein is Indigestible

The enzyme required to digest milk protein, casein, is called rennin. It too dis-appears from the human intestine at the age of three. Casein is used to make some of the strongest wood-working glues. Think what it can do to your insides.

Milk is Species-Specific

Cow's milk is meant for calves. Goat's milk for goats. Human milk for babies. The various antiobodies in the milk protect the young ones from diseases specific to the species.

No animal drinks milk after it is weaned
Except Man!

Milk is no longer recommended for infants below the age of one even by the American Association of Pediatricians! The Physican's Committee for Responsible medicine denounces the use of milk. They say (backed up by evidence) that it is the cause of many diseases

What about the Cruelty to Cows?

They are made forcibly pregnant every year to make them give milk. They are kept awake and milked at night so you can get your milk in the morning. They are fed banned drugs (oxytocin) to increase milk production. They are usually kept cramped up in unhygienic conditions, so they fall ill and get infected. To prevent this, they are fe huge amounts of anti-biotics which find their way into the milk.

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